Dogmas of the Faith

Articles on fundamental dogmas such as the Trinity, the Immaculate Conception, and the Resurrection.

Theological Analysis of Luther and the Counter-Reformation: History, Theology, and Relevance for Today

The conflict that shook the Church in the 16th century remains a source of interest and reflection today. Martin Luther, with his 95 Theses in 1517, ignited a spark that would lead to the Protestant Reformation, dividing the Christian faith in the West and sparking deep theological debates. The Counter-Reformation, …

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Heresy in the 21st Century: What Does It Mean to Be a Heretic Today According to the Catholic Church?

The word heresy evokes images of ancient theological disputes, ecclesiastical trials, and historical figures who marked the course of Christian faith. For centuries, the concept of heresy has been tied to doctrinal dissent, the struggle to maintain the purity of faith, and the defense of the fundamental dogmas of Christianity. …

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