This list offers a contemporary perspective on how the Ten Commandments can be disobeyed in situations unique to modern times and circumstances. While sin is inherent to human nature, a contemporary interpretation of each of these commandments invites personal and spiritual reflection on today’s realities.
1. You shall love the Lord your God above all things
- Prioritizing material success, money, or prestige over faith and spiritual values.
- Practicing occultism, astrology, tarot, or consulting mediums and fortune tellers.
- Refusing to pray, distrusting God, or living in spiritual indifference.
- Seeking personal well-being above serving and loving God or one’s neighbor.
- Making an idol of the “self” or personal lifestyle, focusing more on ego and self-image.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
- Using God’s name or that of the saints disrespectfully or in insults.
- Making promises in God’s name without intending to fulfill them.
- Blaspheming in moments of frustration or anger.
- Using God’s name in manipulative speeches or statements for personal gain.
- Swearing falsely or breaking promises made to God.
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day
- Working or doing unnecessary activities on Sunday or on holy days without real need.
- Choosing not to attend Mass without a valid reason, especially on days of obligation.
- Failing to take time for rest or family, or to dedicate time to reflect on God.
- Intentionally ignoring Church seasons such as Advent, Lent, or Holy Week.
- Neglecting participation in the sacraments or in the life of the Church.
4. Honor your father and your mother
- Neglecting to care for or respect elderly or sick parents.
- Holding attitudes of resentment or lack of forgiveness toward parents or relatives.
- Treating children harshly, not listening to them, or emotionally manipulating them.
- Neglecting family unity to prioritize personal ambitions.
- Failing to instill faith or values in children or to educate them in righteousness and respect.
5. You shall not kill
- Abortion or actively or passively supporting the practice or lobbying for abortion.
- Engaging in physical or emotional violence within the family or workplace.
- Refusing to forgive or holding prolonged resentments.
- Participating in or tolerating bullying, racism, or discrimination.
- Constantly promoting or consuming violent entertainment.
6. You shall not commit adultery
- Consuming, distributing, or encouraging the use of pornography.
- Committing infidelity, either physically or emotionally.
- Engaging in sexual practices outside of marriage.
- Using apps or social media with the purpose of casual sexual encounters.
- Maintaining affective relationships contrary to Christian morality.
7. You shall not steal
- Downloading or consuming digital content without paying (piracy).
- Tax evasion, labor or financial fraud.
- Failing to pay employees or workers a fair wage.
- Using company assets for personal purposes without permission.
- Wasting natural resources or failing to care for the environment.
8. You shall not bear false witness or lie
- Lying on social media, creating or spreading rumors or slander.
- Intentionally defaming someone or damaging another’s reputation.
- Participating in information manipulation on social networks for advantage.
- Withholding relevant information at work or manipulating data.
- Practicing hypocrisy or pretending to live a life online that doesn’t match reality.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife
- Voluntarily entertaining impure thoughts or inappropriate fantasies.
- Becoming obsessed with the appearance or life of others on social media.
- Using one’s gaze to feed impure or lustful thoughts.
- Desiring romantic or sexual relationships with committed people.
- Seeking inappropriate or romantic relationships on apps just for fun or whims.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods
- Envying others’ economic position, work, or material possessions.
- Obsessively comparing oneself to others on social media.
- Constantly seeking approval or social validation through material possessions.
- Wishing misfortune on others to gain a promotion or an opportunity oneself.
- Living in constant dissatisfaction with what one has, desiring more without gratitude.