Catechism for Children: Questions and Answers

1. Are you a Christian?
— I am a Christian by the grace of God.

2. What does Christian mean?
— Christian means disciple of Christ.

3. What is the sign of the Christian?
— The sign of the Christian is the Holy Cross.

4. Why is the Holy Cross the sign of the Christian?
— The Holy Cross is the sign of the Christian because on it Jesus Christ died to redeem humanity.

5. What should the Christian know?
— The Christian should know Christian doctrine.

6. What is Christian doctrine?
— Christian doctrine is what Our Lord Jesus Christ preached to teach us the way to heaven.

7. Who is God?
— God is our Father, who is in heaven, Creator and Lord of all things, who rewards the good and punishes the wicked.

8. Does God see everything?
— God sees everything: the past, the present, the future, and even the most hidden thoughts.

9. Where is God?
— God is in heaven, on earth, and everywhere.

10. Is there only one God?
— Yes, there is only one God.

11. Who is the Holy Trinity?
— The Holy Trinity is the one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three distinct Persons and one true God.

12. How many Persons are there in God?
— There are three Persons in God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

13. Why do we say that God is the Creator?
— We say that God is the Creator because He made all things out of nothing.

14. Why do we say that God is Lord of all things?
— We say that God is Lord of all things because everything belongs to Him, and He governs and cares for all things with wisdom and kindness.

15. Why did God create Angels?
— God created Angels so that they may praise Him, obey Him, and be happy in heaven.

16. Who is the Guardian Angel?
— The Guardian Angel is the one whom God gives to each of us to guard us on earth and guide us to heaven.

17. Why did God create humans?
— God created humans so that we may love and obey Him on earth and be happy with Him in heaven.

18. Are Christians children of God?
— Christians are adopted children of God by grace.

19. When do we become adopted children of God?
— We become adopted children of God when we receive Baptism.

20. Which of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity became man?
— The second Person of the Holy Trinity, who is the Son.

21. Why did the Son of God become man?
— The Son of God became man to redeem us from sin and give us an example of life.

22. Who is Jesus Christ?
— Jesus Christ is the Son of God made man, who was born of the Virgin Mary.

23. Who is the Virgin Mary?
— The Virgin Mary is the Lady full of grace and virtues, conceived without sin, who is the Mother of God and our Mother, and is in heaven in body and soul.

24. Why did Jesus Christ choose to suffer so much in the Passion and on the Cross?
— Jesus Christ chose to suffer and endure so much in the Passion and on the Cross to show us His love and reveal the evil of sin.

25. For whom did Jesus Christ suffer and die?
— Jesus Christ suffered and died for all people.

26. Where is Jesus Christ now?
— Jesus Christ is now glorious in heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

27. What did Jesus Christ promise when He ascended into heaven?
— When He ascended into heaven, Jesus Christ promised to send us the Holy Spirit.

28. Who is the Holy Spirit?
— The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Holy Trinity, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

29. Why did Jesus Christ send the Holy Spirit?
— Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to sanctify our souls and assist His Holy Church.

30. What is the Holy Church?
— The Holy Church is the congregation of Christian faithful founded by Jesus Christ, whose visible head is the Pope.

1. Are you a Christian?
— I am a Christian by the grace of God.

2. What does Christian mean?
— Christian means disciple of Christ.

3. What is the sign of the Christian?
— The sign of the Christian is the Holy Cross.

4. Why is the Holy Cross the sign of the Christian?
— The Holy Cross is the sign of the Christian because on it Jesus Christ died to redeem humanity.

5. What should the Christian know?
— The Christian should know Christian doctrine.

6. What is Christian doctrine?
— Christian doctrine is what Our Lord Jesus Christ preached to teach us the way to heaven.

7. Who is God?
— God is our Father, who is in heaven, Creator and Lord of all things, who rewards the good and punishes the wicked.

8. Does God see everything?
— God sees everything: the past, the present, the future, and even the most hidden thoughts.

9. Where is God?
— God is in heaven, on earth, and everywhere.

10. Is there only one God?
— Yes, there is only one God.

11. Who is the Holy Trinity?
— The Holy Trinity is the one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three distinct Persons and one true God.

12. How many Persons are there in God?
— There are three Persons in God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

13. Why do we say that God is the Creator?
— We say that God is the Creator because He made all things out of nothing.

14. Why do we say that God is Lord of all things?
— We say that God is Lord of all things because everything belongs to Him, and He governs and cares for all things with wisdom and kindness.

15. Why did God create Angels?
— God created Angels so that they may praise Him, obey Him, and be happy in heaven.

16. Who is the Guardian Angel?
— The Guardian Angel is the one whom God gives to each of us to guard us on earth and guide us to heaven.

17. Why did God create humans?
— God created humans so that we may love and obey Him on earth and be happy with Him in heaven.

18. Are Christians children of God?
— Christians are adopted children of God by grace.

19. When do we become adopted children of God?
— We become adopted children of God when we receive Baptism.

20. Which of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity became man?
— The second Person of the Holy Trinity, who is the Son.

21. Why did the Son of God become man?
— The Son of God became man to redeem us from sin and give us an example of life.

22. Who is Jesus Christ?
— Jesus Christ is the Son of God made man, who was born of the Virgin Mary.

23. Who is the Virgin Mary?
— The Virgin Mary is the Lady full of grace and virtues, conceived without sin, who is the Mother of God and our Mother, and is in heaven in body and soul.

24. Why did Jesus Christ choose to suffer so much in the Passion and on the Cross?
— Jesus Christ chose to suffer and endure so much in the Passion and on the Cross to show us His love and reveal the evil of sin.

25. For whom did Jesus Christ suffer and die?
— Jesus Christ suffered and died for all people.

26. Where is Jesus Christ now?
— Jesus Christ is now glorious in heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

27. What did Jesus Christ promise when He ascended into heaven?
— When He ascended into heaven, Jesus Christ promised to send us the Holy Spirit.

28. Who is the Holy Spirit?
— The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Holy Trinity, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

29. Why did Jesus Christ send the Holy Spirit?
— Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to sanctify our souls and assist His Holy Church.

30. What is the Holy Church?
— The Holy Church is the congregation of Christian faithful founded by Jesus Christ, whose visible head is the Pope.

31. How does God reward the good and punish the wicked?
— God rewards the good by giving them heaven and punishes the wicked by condemning them to hell.

32. Who goes to heaven?
— Those who die in the grace of God go to heaven.

33. Who goes to hell?
— Those who die in mortal sin go to hell.

34. What commandments must a Christian keep?
— A Christian must keep the commandments of the Law of God and of Holy Mother Church.

35. What is the first commandment of the Law of God?
— The first commandment of the Law of God is: You shall love God above all things.

36. Who loves God above all things?
— Whoever keeps all His commandments loves God above all things.

37. What is the second commandment of the Law of God?
— The second commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not take the name of God in vain.

38. Who takes the name of God in vain?
— Whoever blasphemes or uses it without due respect takes the name of God in vain.

39. What is blasphemy?
— Blasphemy is speaking or making gestures injurious to God, the Virgin, the Saints, and the Church.

40. What is the third commandment of the Law of God?
— The third commandment of the Law of God is: Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.

41. Who keeps holy the Lord’s day?
— Whoever devotes holy days to worship God by hearing Mass and refrains from physical labor keeps holy the Lord’s day.

42. What is the fourth commandment of the Law of God?
— The fourth commandment of the Law of God is: Honor your father and your mother.

43. Who honors their father and mother?
— Whoever loves, reveres, and obeys them honors their father and mother.

44. Whom should children take as their model?
— Children should take Jesus as their model and love and obey their parents as Jesus loved and obeyed the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph.

45. What is the fifth commandment of the Law of God?
— The fifth commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not kill.

46. What does the fifth commandment of the Law of God forbid?
— The fifth commandment of the Law of God forbids harming one’s own life or the lives of others by words, actions, or desires.

47. What is the sixth commandment of the Law of God?
— The sixth commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not commit adultery.

48. What does the sixth commandment of the Law of God require of us?
— The sixth commandment of the Law of God requires us to be pure and chaste in actions and words.

49. What is the seventh commandment of the Law of God?
— The seventh commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not steal.

50. What does the seventh commandment of the Law of God forbid?
— The seventh commandment of the Law of God forbids harming others in their property.

51. What is the eighth commandment of the Law of God?
— The eighth commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not bear false witness or lie.

52. What does the eighth commandment of the Law of God require of us?
— The eighth commandment of the Law of God requires us to tell the truth and respect the reputation of others.

53. What is the ninth commandment of the Law of God?
— The ninth commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.

54. What does the ninth commandment of the Law of God require of us?
— The ninth commandment of the Law of God requires us to be pure and chaste in thoughts and desires.

55. What is the tenth commandment of the Law of God?
— The tenth commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

56. What does the tenth commandment of the Law of God forbid?
— The tenth commandment of the Law of God forbids the disordered desire for riches and envy of others’ goods.

57. What is the first commandment of Holy Mother Church?
— The first commandment of Holy Mother Church is: Attend Mass on all Sundays and holy days of obligation.

58. Who attends the whole Mass?
— Whoever attends all of it with due attention attends the whole Mass.

59. Who is obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation?
— All Christians who have reached the age of seven and have the use of reason are obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation.

60. What is the second commandment of Holy Mother Church?
— The second commandment of Holy Mother Church is: Confess mortal sins at least once a year, and in danger of death, and if one is to receive Communion.

61. What is the third commandment of Holy Mother Church?
— The third commandment of Holy Mother Church is: Receive Communion during Easter.

62. Who is bound by the precept of receiving Communion?
— The precept of receiving Communion binds all Christians who have reached the age of reason.

63. What is the fourth commandment of Holy Mother Church?
— The fourth commandment of Holy Mother Church is: Fast and abstain from meat on the appointed days.

64. What is the fifth commandment of Holy Mother Church?
— The fifth commandment of Holy Mother Church is: Assist the Church in its needs.

65. What is sin?
— Sin is any voluntary disobedience to the Law of God.

66. How can sin be classified?
— Sin can be mortal or venial.

67. What are the capital sins?
— The capital sins are seven:

  1. Pride
  2. Greed
  3. Lust
  4. Anger
  5. Gluttony
  6. Envy
  7. Sloth

68. How many enemies does the soul have?
— The enemies of the soul are three: the world, the devil, and the flesh.

69. What is grace?
— Grace is a supernatural gift that God grants us to attain eternal life.

70. What do we call sanctifying grace?
— Sanctifying grace is the grace that makes us children of God and heirs of heaven.

71. What are the primary means to obtain grace?
— The primary means to obtain grace are prayer and the sacraments.

72. How many theological virtues are there?
— There are three theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity.

73. What are the main moral virtues?
— The main moral virtues are four: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance, which are called cardinal virtues because they are the foundation of all other virtues.

74. What is prayer?
— Prayer is speaking with God, our heavenly Father, to praise Him, thank Him, and ask Him for all kinds of blessings.

75. What is the most excellent prayer?
— The most excellent prayer is the Our Father, which Jesus Christ taught to the Apostles.

76. What are the main prayers to the Blessed Virgin?
— The main prayers to the Blessed Virgin are the Hail Mary and the Salve Regina.

77. Is it appropriate to pray to Angels and Saints?
— It is appropriate to pray to Angels and Saints because they intercede for us before God.

78. What are the sacraments?
— Sacraments are sensible signs instituted by Jesus Christ to give us grace.

79. What is the first and most necessary of all sacraments?
— The first and most necessary of all sacraments is Baptism, because Jesus Christ said that no one can enter the kingdom of God without Baptism.

80. What effects does Baptism produce?
— Baptism gives us sanctifying grace, removes original sin, and makes us Christians forever.

81. What is Confirmation?
— Confirmation is the sacrament that increases grace in us through the Holy Spirit, strengthening us in faith and making us soldiers and apostles of Christ.

82. What is Penance?
— Penance is the sacrament that forgives sins committed after Baptism.

83. When do we receive the sacrament of Penance?
— We receive the sacrament of Penance when we make a good confession and receive absolution.

84. How many things are necessary to make a good confession?
— Five things are necessary to make a good confession: examination of conscience, sorrow for sins, purpose of amendment, confessing sins to the priest, and performing the penance.

85. What is an examination of conscience?
— Examination of conscience is recalling all the sins committed since the last good confession.

86. What is sorrow for sins?
— Sorrow for sins is a supernatural feeling of regret for having offended God.

87. What is the purpose of amendment?
— The purpose of amendment is a firm resolve not to sin again.

88. What sins should we confess?
— We must confess all mortal sins, and it is good to confess venial sins as well.

89. What is the Eucharist?
— The Eucharist is the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine.

90. What three aspects must we consider in the Eucharist?
— In the Eucharist, we must consider three things:

  1. That Jesus Christ is truly and really present in the Eucharist.
  2. That Jesus Christ offers Himself for us in the Holy Mass.
  3. That we receive Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.

91. When does Jesus Christ begin to be present in the Eucharist?
— Jesus Christ begins to be present in the Eucharist at the moment of consecration in the Mass.

92. What is the Host before consecration?
— The Host before consecration is wheat bread.

93. What is the Host after consecration?
— The Host after consecration is the Body of Jesus Christ.

94. What is in the chalice before consecration?
— In the chalice before consecration, there is wine with a few drops of water.

95. What is in the chalice after consecration?
— In the chalice after consecration is the Blood of Jesus Christ.

96. How is Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist?
— Jesus Christ is fully present in the Eucharist in each and every part of the sacred species.

97. What is the Holy Mass?
— The Holy Mass is the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, offered to God by the priest in remembrance and renewal of the sacrifice of the cross.

98. What is Holy Communion?
— Holy Communion is receiving Jesus Christ Himself under the appearances of bread and wine.

99. Why do we receive Jesus Christ in Holy Communion?
— We receive Jesus Christ in Holy Communion so that He may be the nourishment of our souls, increase grace in us, and give us eternal life.

100. What things are necessary to receive Holy Communion properly?
— Three things are necessary to receive Holy Communion properly: being in God’s grace, observing the Eucharistic fast, and knowing whom we are receiving.

101. Who is in God’s grace?
— A person is in God’s grace when they are free from mortal sin.

102. What is observing the Eucharistic fast?
— Observing the Eucharistic fast means not having eaten or drunk anything from one hour before Communion. Water does not break the fast.

103. How should we approach Holy Communion?
— We should approach Holy Communion with living faith, fervor, humility, and modesty.

104. What is the Anointing of the Sick?
— The Anointing of the Sick is the sacrament that brings comfort to the soul and body of the gravely ill Christian.

105. What is Holy Orders?
— Holy Orders is the sacrament through which some Christians are elevated to the dignity of ministers of God.

106. What is Matrimony?
— Matrimony is the sacrament that sanctifies the union of a man and a woman and gives them grace to live in peace and raise children for heaven.

About catholicus

Pater noster, qui es in cælis: sanc­ti­ficétur nomen tuum; advéniat regnum tuum; fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie; et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris; et ne nos indúcas in ten­ta­tiónem; sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.

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